Tuesday, 23 September 2014

My music loves

At the moment I've been obsessed with a few songs. I'm the type of person who, when I really love a song I will replay it non stop! 

Music helps me study so, for me having a great playlist full of music you love is really helpful. 
Around one or two years ago I discovered a young artist called Shannon Saunders. She had wrote a song called 'Heart of blue' and I immediately thought she was amazing, not to mention her music video was shot through London whilst she was barefoot! I thought that was pretty cool.
I then forgot about her talent and moved on to other music like many people do.

But recently, I saw her singing her original song 'Creatures' on a YouTube channel called Jacksgap and I was reminded of how much I loved her songs. 
I then went on to her YouTube channel and found so many other songs that she had released and they have become a welcomed addition to my playlist as well as my music addiction. 

Here are two of my favorite songs by her 

Shannon Saunders- Sheets 

Shannon Saunders- Atlas


  1. I'm actually sitting listening to her right now. Like you I listen to a song so much I get sick of it which means I'm constantly looking for new, so thanks! This is actually really good XD


  2. no problem:)
    I love discovering new music too! any suggestions?
